Mind Reader / Mentalist Show

Mind Reading & Mentalism | Kristian von Sponneck | vonsponneck.co.uk

Mind Reading, also known as Mentalism, Psychological Entertainment, Thought Reading, Mind Magic, Mesmerism (it often gets confused as Hypnosis but elements sometimes can be used for the desired outcome) or simply ‘Derren Brown’ style entertainment! With this form of entertainment, the illusion of being able to read minds, predict the future events, influence human behaviour and perform a vast array of mystical, mind blowing effects are displayed to an audience than can vary from 5-1000 (or more).

Mind Reader Kristian von Sponneck | vonsponneck.co.ukJust like Mind Reader Derren Brown, I appear to demonstrate highly developed mental or intuitive abilities. My performances may appear to include hypnosis, telepathy, clairvoyance, divination, precognition, psychokinesis, mediumship (please note I said ‘appear’), mind control, memory feats and extreme mathematics. What I do is sometimes categorised as psychic entertainment, although that category also contains non-mentalist performers such as psychic readers and bizarrists.


With everyday objects, I can stroll around standing or sitting guests at their tableside and ‘read minds’. This can be performed as a stand alone act or as an add-on prior to a stage hypnosis show.

You can contact me by email at kristian@vonsponneck.co.uk or by calling +44 7786 460350 for any worldwide bespoke hypnosis you may need.

All stage hypnosis shows or stage hypnosis training can be paid for by all major credit cards via Stripe payment services or PayPal. Visit the store section of this website for further details.

Mind Reading & Mentalism | vonsponneck.co.uk

If you like it that much, I can train you on how to do a whole 1 hour performance! Click the following link Stage Hypnosis Training

For information about myself, click the following link >Kristian von Sponneck <

For my Instagram page, click > Stage Hypnotist Instagram <

*Please note that I do not claim any ‘psychic’ or ‘woo-woo’ powers. The mind reading that is demonstrated in the mentalism performances is achieved via a combination of body language, suggestion, psychology and old fashioned trickery.
